Welcome to the Office of the Registrar
The Registrar's Office is responsible for maintaining timely and accurate records of the academic progress of all students while upholding the privacy and security of those records. As the official Office of Records for students at Manhattanville, the Registrar's Office has an important mission in the operation of the University. Most importantly, the office provides service to students, faculty, and staff, recognizing these persons as the office's primary constituency.
Academic Calendars Academic Catalogs Course Registration Forms Library Transcripts and Verifications Transfer Credit
Please select a section below to find the information specific to your needs. We are here to assist you with:
- ServiceHub and Student Planning, including Registration processes for new, continuing, and returning students
- Grade collection, posting of incomplete grades, and letter grade changes
- Release of transcripts and verification of enrollment
- Student record data changes
- Transfer credit evaluation and processing for transfer and returning students
Change of Legal Name
University faculty and employees must update their personal records with the Human Resources Office using the HR Personal Data Change form.
Legal name change requests for students must be submitted in writing using the Change of Legal Name Form. Legal name change must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Original documents are necessary for verification purposes.
Note: If you are receiving any form of financial aid, you must notify the Financial Aid Office of a legal name change. Failure to do so will result in a loss of aid eligibility.
Change of Personal Information or Chosen Name
Students may now update their personal information directly in Self-Service: no more paper forms!
You can find step-by-step instructions here on how you can change your:
- chosen name
- gender identity (Note: for change of legal sex, please contact the Registrar's Office.)
- pronouns
- mailing address
- secondary email address
- phone numbers
Once an update is made to a student's chosen name, systems will be updated with that name (please allow 24 hours for systems to update). This includes: Student Planning, Brightspace, Adirondack, Handshake, etc.
To change your Manhattanville email address after making a name change or entering your chosen name, please submit an IT helpdesk ticket (details can be found in the step-by-step instructions linked above).
Change of Social Security Number
To change your social security number or add a social security number to your University record, an original Social Security card and valid photo identification must be presented to the Registrar's Office staff. Copies, faxes, and emails will not be accepted.
There is a wide variance of weather conditions that exist throughout the Manhattanville commuting area. Some areas may be affected by snow and/or icing conditions while other areas experience only rain. With rare exception, Manhattanville University will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Messages related to University-wide closures, delayed openings, and early dismissals will be posted on the University homepage.
Text, voice, and email alerts will also be sent via the RaveAlert system. Haven't signed up for RaveAlerts? It's easy to set up and it's free! Click here to create a new account or manage an existing account. In the event of severe weather conditions or other emergencies that may make the University web site inaccessible, your primary source of information will be broadcast from the RAVE system. Additionally, a message on the status of the University can be obtained by calling 914-694-2200.
If necessary, weather related announcements during the work day will be coordinated and disseminated through the various departments.
For individual class cancellations or changes, students should monitor their Mville email account for communications from their instructors.
Classroom Locations
Classroom locations are assigned by the Registrar's Office before each term and are displayed in ServiceHub/Student Planning. Please be aware that classroom locations are subject to change. Always check ServiceHub for up-to-the-minute room assignments.
Classroom locations are published by the following approximate dates:
- Summer and Fall: April 1
- Winter and Spring: November 1
2023 Classroom Renumbering Details
Classroom Change Requests
Instructors may request to have their classroom assignment changed, however this request must be made in writing. A request form is no longer required. Please email onestop@mville.edu with the details of your request, including the course number and the reason the current classroom assignment is insufficient. Classroom changes will be processed based on the current enrollment of a course and are subject to availability. We will make every effort to honor your request, but submission of a request does not guarantee that an alternative space will be available.
Classroom Reservations
All reservations for meetings and events must be booked using Astra Schedule, at least 72 hours in advance. If you do not have an Ad Astra account, log in with your Mville username and password, then email the OneStop Office for your account to be provisioned. Instructions for making a reservation are available here.
Note: Astra Schedule may not be used to change the classroom assigned to your course. It is only to be used for ad hoc meetings and events.
Undergraduate students may declare or change their academic programs (i.e. majors and minors) or change their academic advisors using the appropriate form available from the Registrar's Office Forms Library.
All matriculated undergraduate students must declare their major(s) and minor(s) by completing the Change of Program form and submitting it to the Registrar's Office. The form must be signed by the appropriate division chair and by the student. Forms without all required signatures will be deemed incomplete and will not be accepted. Students may declare majors or minors at any time after entry to the University, but no later than the declaration deadline during their sophomore year. Declaration deadlines for each term are published on the Academic Calendar. Students who do not meet the Spring sophomore declaration deadline will receive a registration hold.
New first year students are assigned an Undeclared program and an academic advisor from the Office of Academic Advising. They will continue with their primary advisor until the second semester of their sophomore year, when they will transition to a faculty advisor within the division of their major. Students may declare majors or minors at any time after entry to the University, but no later than the declaration deadline during the sophomore year. Students who declare a major prior to that deadline will continue to be advised by their primary advisor from the Office of Academic Advising, but they will also be assigned a faculty co-advisor for the major. Students with multiple majors will be assigned a major advisor in each division.
Transfer students entering the University with advanced standing, having earned transfer credit, are advised to speak with an advisor and declare a major as early as possible. This will allow transfer students to accurately assess their intended date of graduation and focus on a program of study.
Note: A change from one degree program to another may extend your graduation date. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to gauge the requirements of a new major before proceeding.
Completed forms must be submitted to the Registrar's Office (Reid Castle 3rd Floor) and will be processed within 3-5 business days.
All degree requirements must be completed and degrees must be conferred before a diploma can be released. Diplomas are available approximately 3-6 weeks after degrees are conferred. Graduates will be contacted via Mville email with additional information regarding diplomas. Diplomas will not be released to students with active holds from Student Accounts, Financial Aid, or other campus offices.
Diploma Pick Up by Third Parties
A Manhattanville diploma is a valuable document. To grant someone else permission to pick up your diploma by proxy, we require a written release consent ("proxy letter") from the student. Please submit a proxy letter, prepared by you, identifying the full name of the person who will be receiving your diploma, your student ID number, your maiden name or name used while in attendance (if applicable), your graduation year, and a copy of your current photo ID (Mville ID, current driver's license, passport, etc.). Sign the letter with your full penned signature. Proxy letters with signatures may be faxed or emailed as scanned attachments. Emails or faxes of proxy letters without penned signatures will not be accepted!
Diploma Mailing to Domestic and International Recipients
To ensure that a mailed diploma reaches its proper owner, the University requires confirmation of address.
- Domestic Delivery: Diplomas will be sent within the United States via USPS using standard First Class Mail. Only postage costs for standard domestic delivery of a diploma are covered by the University.
- Express Domestic and Overseas Delivery: All costs for express mail service or courier services to international locations (regardless of carrier) will be the responsibility of the diploma recipient. Parties must make prior arrangements with a carrier, arrange payment, and then provide the Registrar's Office with a mailing label and package pickup instructions. Diplomas are placed in a cardboard envelope for protection. Contact the Registrar's Office for further details.
Replacement Diplomas
Manhattanville University has partnered with Parchment for online ordering of replacement or duplicate diplomas. Replacement diplomas are available at a cost of $35. This charge covers the diploma cost and standard domestic mailing only. International mailing costs are additional and must be arranged by the diploma requestor. All replacement diplomas will be printed in English with a Manhattanville University heading and with the signatures of the current University President and Provost. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing. You will be contacted when your replacement diploma is ready.
Access the Parchment ordering system to:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 914-323-5337 or by email.
International institutions that receive diplomas and official transcripts issued by Manhattanville University may require certification using an "apostille." The apostille is an internationally recognized document certification process, developed so official documents may be reliably shared and certified across international boundaries. The apostille's legal and procedural foundations were established by the Hague Convention of 1961. In New York, the Apostille of the Hague process is managed by the New York Department of State. Students and alumni must work with the Manhattanville University Registrar's Office to obtain a notarized copy of their diploma and/or transcript, then make their own arrangements with the Westchester County Clerk and the New York Department of State to complete the apostille authentication process. Third party apostille processors may also be retained for a fee.
Apostilles cannot be processed on a walk-in basis. Please allow up to 10 business days before documents are ready for pickup or mailing back to you (domestic mail only). Click here for apostille instructions.
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Catalogs
- Class Cancellations: See Section Above
- Classroom Assignments and Reservations: See Section Above
- Curriculum Management | User Guide
- Master Scheduling Grid
- Registrar's Office Forms Library
- Self-Service Password Utility
The complete academic record of every current and former student of Manhattanville University is maintained by the Registrar's Office. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Academic information is generally only released after receiving written or electronic authorization from the student.
Unless instructed otherwise, final exams will be administered during the final week of classes as detailed on the Academic Calendar.
On occasion, classes requiring longer exam sessions will be scheduled on Wednesday of that week. Students required to take these exams will be notified by their instructors of such exams and when/where those exams will take place. Any potential conflicts should be discussed with the instructor of the course.
Manhattanville's grading system uses standard letter grades. Each letter grade is assigned a numeric grade point value to allow computation of a student's Grade Point Average (GPA). See the Academic Catalog for a complete description of grading policy and a grade glossary.
Some courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail or Audit basis. Courses that satisfy a requirement for a major, a minor, first year seminar, or a general education requirement may not be audited or taken as pass/fail. A maximum of four (4) credits per semester may be taken pass/fail. Students must declare the pass/fail option for a course no later than the last day of Add/Drop for the term. Registering for classes as an auditor automatically assigns an AU grade to all courses taken.
Course Withdrawals
Withdrawal from a course is reflected as a W grade (student-initiated action) or a WA grade (administrative action). W and WA grades are non-punitive (do not affect the GPA). Students must obtain the appropriate signatures before withdrawal requests will be processed. In cases of academic dishonesty and other sanctions, the WF grade (withdrawn failing) may appear as part of a larger University sanction.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades will appear as GD or "Grade Deferred" on the student's record, and are awarded for special extenuating circumstances only, with the approval of the appropriate academic Dean and the course instructor using the Incomplete Grade Contract. Incomplete requests must be finalized by the last day of classes for the semester within which they apply. Forms are available as follows:
- Undergraduates: Visit the Academic Advising Office in Brownson Hall to obtain a form and begin the process.
- Graduate and Doctoral Students: Visit the appropriate School office to obtain a form and begin the process.
Final Grade Availability
Instructors will submit student grades securely using ServiceHub. Final grades are available to all students for viewing through their ServiceHub accounts after the Registrar's Office verifies grade submissions. Grades are generally available for viewing several days after term has ended. Additional grades become available after a term's faculty grading deadline date has passed (as published in the Academic Calendar).
Note to Faculty: Final grades must be submitted using the web grading link in your ServiceHub account. The Registrar's Office communicates the web grading entry dates and deadlines near the end of each semester. Grades submitted outside of ServiceHub will not be accepted.
Visit Manhattanville's Commencement site for commencement and baccalaureate information.
Degrees are conferred at three times during the academic year. Check the Academic Calendar for exact dates.
- In late January, after completion of degree requirements in the Fall or Winter term.
- In late May, after completion of degree requirements in the Spring term.
- This is also when the yearly University Commencement is held.
- In late August, after completion of degree requirements in the Summer term.
For complete details regarding Manhattanville’s Commencement Policy, please check the University Catalog.
All students expecting to graduate must electronically submit an Application for Graduation through ServiceHub. Students will be notified by email when the time comes to apply to graduate. Please reference that announcement email for details on submitting the Application for Graduation. Deadlines may be found on the Academic Calendar.
Registrar Staff
Colin McCarthy
Em Lebow
Matthew Salvesen
Tiffany Cheng
Contact Us
Office of the Registrar
Reid Castle 3rd Floor
Walk-In Hours:
9:00 AM-5:00 PM