Student Employment
Manhattanville student employees gain resume-building work experience, grow their interpersonal skills, and develop an excellent work ethic as they provide important services throughout the school community.
Student Employment Information, Resources, and Procedures
What is Federal Work-Study (FWS)?
Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a financial award that allows a student with demonstrated
need to earn a portion of his/her educational expenses by working in a position on
or off-campus.
How do I find out if I am qualified for Federal Work-Study?
Students may inquire with the Office of Financial Aid for eligibility. Please contact
914.323.3194 or studentemployment@mville.edu
What is Off-Campus Federal Work-Study?
Students who are awarded FWS may be employed at approved off-campus sites with not-for-profit
organizations or public agencies, and the work performed must be in the public interest.
Positions may include elementary school tutors, recreation leaders, and library assistants.
How do I apply for On-/Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Jobs?
Students may visit Handshake to search for potential work sites. Students may also inquire at individual campus
departments about available positions. Click here for a Campus Job Search tutorial.
If I qualify for Federal Work-Study am I guaranteed a job?
No. Students who are interested in a Federal Work-Study position must apply to each
individual campus department. The department supervisor will schedule interviews
for the applicants whose qualifications and work schedule meet the department's needs
and make the hiring decision.
How many hours a week can I work?
The number of work hours is determined by department needs, up to a maximum of 20
hours per week when classes are in session and 29 hours per week during the summer
and university breaks.
What is the pay rate for student jobs?
The New York State minimum wage for 2024 is $16 per hour. Student hourly rates range
from $16 to $17.50 per depending on the job level of each position.
Can I work on campus if I do not qualify for Federal Work-Study?
Yes, limited non-FWS positions are available. Students who do not qualify for FWS
may apply for these positions.
Who can I talk to if I have additional questions about FWS and campus employment?
Val Morales, Assistant Director of Financial Aid Operations and Student Employment
Coordinator, at studentemployment@mville.edu
Who is eligible for student employment?
Any undergraduate or graduate student at Manhattanville University who is enrolled
at least half-time and is eligible to work in the United States is eligible for on-campus
student employment.
How many hours are students permitted to work?
Students may work up to a maximum of 20 hours per week total from all campus jobs when classes are in session and up to 29 hours per week during academic breaks and the summer. Actual hours are determined based on the hiring department’s needs/budget and the
student’s availability.
Can a student have more than one job?
Students may have up to two jobs. However, students may not exceed the work hour allowances
listed above.
I already know who I want to hire, do I need to post the position?
Yes, all student hires must be processed through mville.joinhandshake.com.
I’ve hired a student, what are the next steps?
Before students can begin working, they are required to complete the federally mandated
I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form and payroll forms (Form W-4 Form and
IT-2104 Form). DO NOT allow the student to start working until you receive the ‘Employment
Authorization’ confirmation email from Yulexi Arango.
Who do I contact for assistance with Handshake?
Contact the Center for Career Development at 914.323.1460 or Careers@mville.edu.
My student missed the Self-Service Time submission deadline, what do I do?
Students can access a paper timesheet in the Handshake Career Center. The completed form must be signed by the supervisor and delivered to the Payroll Office in the basement of Reid Castle.
A mistake was made on a previous Self-Service time submission, how do I correct it?
Contact the Payroll Office for instructions. Do not record work hours from a previous
pay period on Self-Service.
914.323.7171 | Payroll@mville.edu
Can I hire a student who has graduated?
Students who have graduated are not eligible for student employment positions. Departments
may submit requests to hire graduated students via a temporary, staff assignment through
the Office of Human Resources if such a budget line is available in the department.
Students are required to complete and submit various forms to be authorized before they can begin a work assignment.
All New Hires Must Complete |
Completed EVERY YEAR | Completed EVERY SEMESTER |
1. W-4 Form 2. IT-2104 Form 3. I-9 Form |
1. Student Employment Agreement (Handshake)
1. a PDF or JPEG copy of your Class Schedule 2. Hiring Addendum (Handshake) 3. Confidentiality Agreement (Handshake) |
All paperwork must be received in the Student Employment Office (located within the Office of Financial Aid) one week prior to the timesheet due date. Late submissions will be processed the following pay period according to the Student Payroll Schedule.
- New hires must complete all forms listed above and present acceptable, original document(s) to establish identity and employment eligibility. Students should be prepared to present proper documentation of their eligibility to work and earn a paycheck in the U.S. These documents include but are not limited to:
- A United States passport - not expired (additional documentation not required);
- An original Social Security card AND a driver’s license/state-issued identification (not expired)/Mville identification card;
- An original birth certificate AND a driver’s license/state-issued identification (not expired)/Mville identification card.
A full list of documents can be found on the Acceptable Document List from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
- Once all forms and documents are received by the Student Employment Coordinator, the student and the supervisor will receive an Employment Authorization Notice with an employment start date. The length of this authorization process will vary depending on the length of time each student takes to submit all the required paperwork. The student cannot begin working until this communication has been received.
The following instructions are intended for students who have NEVER been hired for an on-campus job at Manhattanville before.
Please follow each step, and read through the instructions carefully.
In order to start working, all students who are hired must submit a Student Employment Experience online form via Handshake.
To start the process: Log-In to your Handshake account: www.mville.joinhandshake.com
1. Go to [Career Center] tab at the top of your screen
2. Select [Experiences]
3. Select [Submit an Experience] on the top left of your screen
4. Follow the instructions listed
For Experience type, select [Student Employment within the correct academic year]
- For Term, select [Correct academic term Student Employment]
For Employer, enter [Manhattanville University On-Campus Employment]
For Address, enter your permanent home address
5. Fill out the necessary information, click [Submit], then proceed to Step 2
- Download these forms to your computer. They are located in [Career Center --> Resources --> On-campus Employment Paperwork]
- Fill out necessary information only after you download each form
- Save the completed forms
- Go back to [Career Center] tab, select [Experiences] and select your submitted Experience
- Attach each form to your [Experience] – using BLUE button on the left side of your screen.
- Do this for all forms, one at a time
- Be sure to include your Job Title, Department, & Supervisor
- Fill out Section A - Class Schedule - including start time & end time of your classes
- Fill out Section B - Work Schedule - as agreed upon with your Supervisor (some positions do not require a work schedule - consult the Student Employment Coordinator if you are unsure)
- Sign the bottom of the form - type your name on the signature line
2. Confidentiality Agreement (For e-signature, type full name on signature line)
3. Student Employee Agreement (For e-signature, type full name on signature line)
Attach a PDF or JPEG copy of your Class Schedule that shows the current term from Service Hub.
IMPORTANT: New Hires must also present original ID documents for the I-9 Form. A full list of acceptable IDs is listed on the last page of your I-9 form. All items must be original and NOT copies.
Some popular ID’s that students have brought in the past:
- Passport
- Driver’s License & Social Security Card
- Driver’s License & Birth Certificate
International students who do not yet have a Social Security Card will also need to report to the Student Employment Coordinator to fill out additional paperwork.
Once you submit your Student Employment Experience and attach the necessary documents, we will forward your Experience to your supervisor, who will be able to view and approve your job – and that’s it! If you are missing anything, or the Student Employment Coordinator/your supervisor requires further information, we will reach out to you.
After your supervisor approves your Experience, the Student Employment Coordinator will review your submission once more, and then we will send you an email to confirm you are cleared to begin working. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to begin working without first receiving this written confirmation from the Student Employment Coordinator that you have been approved to work.
The following instructions are for students who have been hired for a campus job, and HAVE worked at Manhattanville in a previous semester.
In order to start working, all students who are hired must submit a Student Employment Experience online form via Handshake.
To start the process: Log-In to your Handshake account: www.mville.joinhandshake.com
1. Go to [Career Center] tab at the top of your screen
2. Select [Experiences]
3. Select [Submit an Experience] on the top left of your screen
4. Follow the instructions listed
For Experience type, select [Student Employment within the correct academic year]
- For Term, select [Correct academic term Student Employment]
For Employer, enter [Manhattanville University On-Campus Employment]
For Address, enter your permanent home address
5. Fill out the necessary information, click [Submit], then proceed to Step 2
- Download these forms to your computer. They are located in [Career Center --> Resources --> On-campus Employment Paperwork]
- Fill out necessary information only after you download each form
- Save the completed forms
- Go back to [Career Center] tab, select [Experiences] and select your submitted Experience
- Attach each form to your [Experience] – using BLUE button on the left side of your screen.
- Do this for all forms, one at a time
- Be sure to include your Job Title, Department, & Supervisor
- Fill out Section A - Class Schedule - including start time & end time of your classes
- Fill out Section B - Work Schedule as agreed upon with your Supervisor (some position do not require a work schedule - consult the Student Employment Coordinator if you are unsure)
- Sign the bottom of the form - type your name on the signature line
2. Confidentiality Agreement (For e-signature, type full name on signature line)
Attach a PDF or JPEG copy of your Class Schedule that shows the current term from Service Hub.
Once you submit your Student Employment Experience and attach the necessary documents, we will forward your Experience to your supervisor, who will be able to view and approve your job – and that’s it! If you are missing anything, or the Student Employment Coordinator/your supervisor requires further information, we will reach out to you.
After your supervisor approves your Experience, the Student Employment Coordinator will review your submission once more, and then we will send you an email to confirm you are cleared to begin working. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to begin working without first receiving this written confirmation the Student Employment Coordinator that you have been approved to work.
1) Log into Service Hub
2) Select [Employee]
3) Select [Time Entry]
4) Select the current Biweekly Pay Period
Week #1 of the biweekly pay period will display on this page. You will see an online timesheet
for each job title under Week #1 if you have multiple hourly jobs.
5) Working with one job at a time, enter your “Time-in” and “Time-out” for each day you work and click the [Submit for Approval] tab for Week #1
6) After your Time Entries for all your campus jobs are completed and submitted for Week #1, click the [>] icon to view the next page for Week #2
7) Repeat instruction #5: Enter your “Time-in” and “Time-out” for each day you work and click the [Submit for Approval] tab for each job for Week #2.
- If you discover you made an error AFTER you submitted your time entries but BEFORE your supervisor has approved your time, click [UNSUBMIT] and correct the error or contact your supervisor
- Students with NON-HOURLY campus jobs do not have to submit time entries in Service Hub. (Example: Winter Resident Assistants)
Important Notes
TIME SUBMISSIONS are due every other MONDAY on the dates indicated above unless otherwise noted.
STUDENTS: Time submission must be submitted and signed electronically via Self-Service no later than 10:00 AM.
SUPERVISORS: Your students’ time submissions must be reviewed via Self-Service no later than 2:00 PM.
LATE TIME SUBMISSIONS: Work hours outside the pay period cannot be entered on Self-Service. Any student who misses the electronic time submission deadline may submit paper timesheets to the Payroll Office. These timesheets will be processed only if time permits. Otherwise, they will be held for the next pay cycle. ,
MEAL BREAKS: Students who work more than 6 hours are required by New York State law to take an unpaid meal break of at least one-half (1/2) hour. This will be automatically deducted if not documented.
Students will not be paid for holidays or emergency closings unless they work. Students who work will be paid at the regular pay rate.
Contact Us
Student Employment
Reid Castle, 3rd Floor
Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM