The Department of Campus Safety offers limited motorist assistance. In the event that a vehicle on campus needs a jump-start, is locked out, or is out of gas, the Department of Campus Safety will provide the proper assistance.

Campus Safety and Security
Contact Us

You can reach us by phone 24 hours a day, or visit us in the main lobby of Spellman Hall, near the front entrance of the campus.
For Emergencies
From Campus Phone
From Off-Campus Phone
914.323.SAFE (7233)
via Rave Guardian on smart phones with downloaded app

General Information
Student Health and Counseling
Health Center
Counseling Center
914.323.7277 | 914.323.5155
Office of Residence Life
Dean of Students
Dedicated to the Safety of Our Community

Peace, Safety, and Security
Manhattanville's Department of Campus Safety provides for the peace, safety, and security of persons and facilities on the Manhattanville campus and properties owned, controlled, or occupied by the University.
The Department's mission is to provide a safe, problem free environment for students, faculty, and staff in which the University can fulfill its mission of education. The Department of Campus Safety and Security is responsible for the enforcement of all safety and security-related policies and procedures, creating and maintaining of crime reports, conducting and assisting with investigations, leading all emergency response efforts, responding to fire and medical emergencies, traffic and parking enforcement, as well as campus awareness.

How We Do It
The Department of Campus Safety and Security has one overriding goal — to provide a safe and working community for all students, staff, and faculty, so that the community can pursue their goals and objectives.
- Supervising a team of more than 20 full and part-time officers, all of which are New York State certified Security Officers, and are trained in Basic Life Support skills of CPR/AED, and First Aid.
- Stationing an officer at the main campus gate 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
- Offering after-dusk escorts upon request.
- Through our emergency notification system, RAVE, which sends alerts via phone, text, email, loudspeaker, and more.
- Facilitating training seminars on campus safety and security practices, which are available to residence halls upon request.
Law Enforcement Partnerships
The Department of Campus Safety and Security maintains a close working relationship with all law enforcement agencies. The Department consists of a Director, a Deputy Director, a Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs Manager, and approximately 21 full and part-time New York State Certified Security Officers. These Officers are trained in the areas of, but not limited to, emergency response and procedures, CPR/AED/First Aid, crisis and crowd management, and patrol.
The Town of Harrison Police Department
In addition, Campus Safety maintains a professional working relationship with the Town of Harrison Police Department (HPD). In the event of an emergency, Campus Safety works directly with HPD to coordinate response as well as the use of additional resources that may be necessary to manage a crisis situation.
Homeland Security National Terrorism Advisory System
The National Terrorism Advisory System is a terrorism threat advisory scale used by the Department of Homeland Security since April 2011. This system was established after the events of September 11, 2001, as a way of informing the public of any threats to our nation. It was first recognized as a color coded system, displaying different colors that represented different threat levels. It was later changed to this current style so that more information could be available for each threat that existed.
Our role is to protect the Manhattanville community and its mission by ensuring that
the university is well-prepared for any likely emergency and well-protected from major
hazards. We conduct building evacuation drills and ensure that all major campus events
are properly designed and executed with the safety of the university's students, faculty,
and staff in mind. Director of Campus Safety — 914.323.5406 Quick Reference Guides
Deputy Director — 914.323.7159Active Shooter Reference Guides
Natural Disasters Reference Guides
Terrorist Attack Reference Guides
Accidents at Home Reference Guides
Response Actions

Seek Shelter
If Inside
- Use furniture or any other heavy object as a shield.
- Move away from windows.
- Make body as small as possible and stay low.
- Remain quiet, still and be prepared to move quickly.
If Outside
- Get behind any solid heavy object.
- Lie with your stomach on the ground so that your face is pointing away from the incident.
- Cover your head and face with something or your hands.
- Stay still and quiet, and be prepared to move quickly should you be asked to by responders.
- Instructions to evacuate will be issued by Campus Safety or law enforcement.
- Evacuate students and staff quickly in an organized fashion to a safe area.
- Make sure to remain calm and quiet.
- Assist handicapped persons or those who need assistance.
- Do not touch anything or turn off lights or equipment.
- Close all doors behind you, but do not lock doors.
- If you observe something unusual or suspicious, don’t touch it.
- Remain at a safe distance until receiving notice to return to the facility.
- During a lockdown, no one will be allowed to enter the campus.
- Faculty/staff will oversee the lockdown by drawing blinds where possible, locking doors and windows, and turning off lights.
- Disregard any knocks on the door and be alert.
- All students and personnel should move into isolated sections of building and remain quiet.
- Faculty/staff will be notified when it is safe to resume normal operations.
Evacuation/Relocation Sites
Based on the emergency, this will be determined and announced.
Types of Incidents
Hostage Situation
- Avoid reckless actions or quick moves.
- Do everything your captor says to do.
- Speak only when spoken to.
- Stay calm, try not to show emotion openly.
- Sit, if possible, to avoid appearing aggressive.
- Don’t turn away from captor unless ordered to.
- Model the appropriate behavior that you would expect of your students.
- Activate the fire alarm system by pulling the alarm.
- Evacuate the building immediately in a safe and orderly manner.
- If a heavy smoke condition exists, get low to the ground and crawl to the safest exit.
- Alert authorities with any information once you have reached a designated "safe area".
- Know your building — have a primary and secondary escape route in mind.
Hazardous Material Release/Gas Leak
- Avoid contact with the material spilled.
- Do not turn any electrical devices on or off.
- Do not use cell phones.
- Be prepared to evacuate the building.
Bomb Threat
If you receive a call indicating there is a bomb in the building:
- Remain calm, do not hang up on the caller.
- Be sure to record all pertinent information including time, gender, etc.
- If possible try to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible.
- Record and document everything the caller says: ask questions about type and location of device, time of detonation, and reason for planting the device.
- Listen to any background noise that may be present (television, traffic, music, etc.)
Violent Intruder/Active Shooter
- Do not attempt to confront the intruder.
- Calm students and remain quiet.
- Close blinds of windows and secure doors; turn off lights and equipment.
- Ignore any knock on the door or unfamiliar voices.
- Be alert for students who may still be in the hallway.
- All students should move into an isolated corner of the room or building, reducing their exposure to windows and doors.
- If shots are heard, have everyone get low to the ground and seek shelter (if possible).
Weather Emergencies
- Shelter should be sought indoors by all members of the community until the severe weather is no longer a threat.
- Depending on the severity of the storm, all occupants should be brought into the interior corridors away from outside windows.
- Close all door.
- Leave personal belongings behind.
- Protect yourself from falling objects by taking shelter beneath a desk, table, or bench.
- Stay away from outside walls and windows.
Active Shooter

Recognizing Signs of Potential Campus Violence
An active shooter may be a current or former employee or student. Learn to trust your
instincts. If you believe that someone is exhibiting signs that they are a potential
threat, contact Campus Safety and Security.
Indicators of Potentially Violent Behavior May Include One or More of the Following:
- Increased use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs
- Unexplained increase in absenteeism and/or vague physical complaints
- Depression/withdrawal
- Increased severe mood swings, noticeably unstable or emotional responses
- Increased talk of problems at home
- Increase in unsolicited comments about violence, firearms, and other dangerous weapons and violent crimes
Because active shooter events can occur at any time or place, it is important to always
be aware of your environment.
For your personal protection, make a habit of identifying multiple exits in the facility
where you work. Use this information to identify potential escape routes in the event
that an active shooter situation occurs.
For Faculty Members and Staff
1. It is important to secure the door to your classroom or office each day.
- Lock the door while class is in session
- Identify how to stop the door from opening if it cannot be locked (i.e., a stopper).
- Identify items that can be used to barricade the door (table, file cabinet, desk, etc.)
2. Make sure your students are prepared.
- Ensure that they have read and understand the active shooter situation guidelines distributed by the University.
3. Eliminate the ability to see into the classroom from the hallway (tape paper over the window, draw shades, etc.)
How to Respond
In the event of an active shooter situation, quickly deciding the most appropriate
way to respond is the key. Please keep in mind that, when possible, students should
follow the lead of employees or directions given by safety and law enforcement.
If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises as quickly
as possible.
Remember to:
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- Prevent individuals from entering in an area where the active shooter may be.
- Keep your hands visible.
- Do not attempt to move wounded people.
- Call 911 when you are safe.
If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less
likely to find you.
Hiding Places Should:
- Be out of the active shooter’s view.
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door).
- Not trap you or restrict your options for movement.
Prevent an Active Shooter from Entering:
- Lock the door.
- Blockade the door with heavy furniture.
If the Active Shooter is Nearby:
- Lock the door.
- Silence your cell phone and/or pager.
- Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions).
- Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks).
- Remain quiet.
If Evacuation and Hiding are Not Possible:
- Remain calm.
- Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt
and/or incapacitate the active shooter.
- Act as aggressively as possible against him/her.
- Throw items and improvising weapons, such as chairs, books, or fire extinguishers.
- Work together in numbers to overcome the shooter.
- Yell.
Contacting Authorities
For emergencies, individuals can dial 888 on any campus phone to reach Campus Safety.
If calling from a cell phone or other off-campus phone, dial 914.323.7233 (SAFE). Individuals should also contact 911 if able to do so.
What to Report
Report the Following Information to Campus Safety or the Police:
- Your name, exact location (building name and room number), and cell phone number.
- Exact location of the shooter (building name and room number).
- Number of shooters.
- Physical description of shooters (i.e., race, gender, clothing, physical features, etc.).
- Number and type of weapons held by shooters (i.e. handgun, long gun, explosives, etc.).
- If known or applicable, number of people injured and type of injuries, or number of potential victims.
- Shooter’s direction of movement.
Police Response
The first officers to arrive on the scene will not stop to help injured people. It
is their job to stop the active shooter as quickly as possible. Police officers will
typically arrive to an active shooter situation in teams of four. Officers may wear
regular uniforms or tactical equipment; be armed with rifles, shotguns, or handguns;
use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation; shout commands and push individuals
to the ground for their safety.
Officers are trained to initially view everyone as a potential threat. It is important that all individuals remain calm and remember the following:
- Do not run toward the police or make any sudden movements
- Keep your hands up, empty, and visible at all times
- Avoid pointing, screaming, and/or yelling
- Do not stop to ask police officers for help
Keep in mind that once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still considered a crime scene; police will usually not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Until you are released, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.
Parents and Students — Help Us Be Prepared
The University is working on an emergency plan for events up to and including the closure of the University. However, we recommend that each student and his or her family discuss their own emergency plan. One specific event families should plan for is a potential University closing due to an outbreak of avian flu or other contagious disease.
We suggest you discuss the following questions with your family:
- If you are not able to retrieve your student within 36 hours, do you have a relative or friend in New York who can accommodate your student in an emergency?
- Can your student car pool with others to return home?
Parking and Transportation
The enforcement of parking regulations and policies at Manhattanville University is the responsibility of The Department of Campus Safety and Security. All of the parking regulations apply to students, employees, contractors, and visitors who park on University property.
All employees, contractors, and students are permitted to have a vehicle on campus. The University expects everyone to abide by the University’s policy regarding vehicle registration and operation as well as state laws concerning vehicles, such as a valid driver’s license, registration and inspection. The University is not responsible for any individual’s vehicle parked on campus. Parking on campus is at the owner’s risk.
- All employees, long term contractors, and students are required to obtain and display University parking decals.
- All vehicles must be parked in the marked parking spaces.
- Where parking areas are clearly outlined, occupants must observe the confines of each space.
- Only one vehicle is permitted in each space except for motorcycles.
- All vehicles must be parked in the lots designated for use based upon the vehicle registration decal.
- Faculty and Staff Housing parking lot is NOT to be used for anyone without a valid Faculty and Staff Housing vehicle decal.
- No vehicles can be parked in fire lanes.
- No vehicles can be parking in spaces designated for the physically disabled (unless appropriate state issued placard or licensed plate is displayed.)
- Parking is prohibited at all times on the grass or on any other areas where parking would mar the landscape of the campus, create a safety hazard, or interfere with the use of University facilities.
- Parking is prohibited on roadways, crosswalks, and loading zones.
- Parking is prohibited in Dammann/Tenney Circle, Founder’s Circle, Spellman Circle, Burnett/Olmstead/Houston Circle and along the baseball and softball fields.
- Overnight parking (12 AM to 7 AM) is prohibited in the Reid Castle circle and on Brownson Road.
- The University reserves the right to restrict parking for special purposes of events.
- The University reserves the right to search any vehicle in order to ensure the general welfare and safety of the University community. Such searches will only be conducted if a threat to the community is posed or if it is necessary to ensure the safety of the employee, contractor, student, or owner.
Colors are Used on Curbs and Lot Surfaces as Described Below:
- Yellow curbs mean no parking anytime.
- Blue curbs mean handicapped parking only.
- White lines on lot surfaces mark the confines of parking spaces.
Parking Between Semesters
Students are not allowed to leave vehicles on campus during the summer months or between
semesters, unless taking classes, without written permission from the Department of
Campus Safety and Security. If written permission is not obtained, the vehicle may
be towed.
The Department of Campus Safety offers limited motorist assistance. In the event that a vehicle on campus needs a jump-start, is locked out, or is out of gas, the Department of Campus Safety will provide the proper assistance.
All vehicles on the University campus must comply with all University parking regulations as found in the Campus Safety webpage.
- Failure to comply with all parking regulations will result in a fine.
- Fines must be paid at the Student Accounts Office located on the 3rd floor of Reid Castle.
- In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, undergraduate students will be referred to the Dean of Students and graduate students will be referred to the Dean of Students for Code of Conduct violations. Diplomas, transcripts, class registration, and/or housing selection will be held pending the disposition of outstanding parking violation fines. Tickets will place a financial hold on a student’s account until they are paid in full.
- In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, Staff/Faculty who have two unpaid parking tickets will be referred to Human Resources for progressive discipline.
- In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, contractors who have two unpaid parking tickets will be referred to their immediate supervisor.
Fire Lane/Zone: $100
Handicapped Zone: $100
Parked on Grass: $25
Staff/Faculty Area: $20
Parked in Two Spaces: $20
Crosswalk: $30
Prohibited Area: $30
Double Parked: $30
Parked on Roadway: $20
Excessive Speed: $40
Improper Use of Vehicle: $20
Failure to Obey Traffic Signs: $20
No Registration Decal: $50
Other Violation: $20
Boot Immobilization Removal: $60
*Repeat violations will subject your vehicle to the possibility of being booted or
towed at your expense. Multiple violations in any academic year may result in the
loss of vehicle privileges on the campus.
*The amounts of fines are subject to change. Please note that more than one violation
may be indicated on a single citation.
If there are special circumstances surrounding the parking of a vehicle on the campus that would normally constitute an abandoned vehicle, the employee, contractor, or student must get written permission from the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee.
Procedures for the removal or towing of illegally parked vehicles have been adopted
by Manhattanville University to ensure the safety and convenience of all persons on
campus and apply to all students, employees, contractors, and visitors. All towing
will be to a location designated by the Department of Campus Safety and any and all
costs that the University may incur with regard to the removal and disposal of the
vehicle will be billed to the owner.
All inquiries by the owner and/or operators of towed vehicles may be made at the Department
of Campus Safety. The owner and/or operator may claim their vehicle by paying any
parking violations to the Office of Student Accounts directly or via mail. Towing
and storage charges are to be paid directly to the towing contractor. Authorization
for any towing will be at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety or his/her
For students, diplomas, transcripts, class registration, and/or housing selection
will be held pending the disposition of outstanding parking violation fines. Tickets
will place a financial hold on a student’s account until they are paid in full.
The Campus Safety Officer at the Spellman Desk or at the Main Gate cannot void a summons.
The Director of Campus Safety has the sole authority to void a summons. Repeat violations
will subject your vehicle to the possibility of being booted or towed at your expense.
Multiple violations in any academic year may result in the loss of vehicle privileges
on the campus. For students, failure to pay fines will result in your student account
being “flagged” and charged. Your diploma, transcript, class registration, and/or
housing selection will be affected. For employees, failure to pay fines will result
in notification to Human Resources for possible disciplinary action pursuant to the
progressive discipline policy. For contractors, failure to pay fines will result in
notification to the immediate supervisor.
Failure to answer this summons in the Campus Safety Office within 7 days will be considered
a guilty plea. Any ticket not paid by the 8th day after receiving the ticket will be deemed to be an unpaid ticket. If you do not
dispute the violation and charge, the fine can be paid at the Student Accounts office
located on the 3rd floor of Reid Castle between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through
Friday. You should bring the ticket summons with you to the Student Accounts office. If
you contest the violation you have been issued, a letter may be written to the Director
of Campus Safety, using the University address, stating the reason of dispute. A response
to the contested charge will be made with 14 days by phone or letter.
If you pay the fine by mail insert your name, street and town of the driver or owner
of the vehicle in the return address. Your check or money order should be payable
to Manhattanville University and mailed together with this summons to Manhattanville
University, Dept. of Campus Safety, 2900 Purchase Street,. Purchase, NY 10577.
Manhattanville University charges a parking fee for all students. Parking decals must be renewed each academic year for full-time undergraduate students. All other students must renew their parking decals each semester.
- Parking decals are available 5 business days after your request is completed.
- Pick up your parking decal at the Department of Campus Safety in Spellman Hall (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
- If your decal is not ready after three business days, please fill out a Parking Decal Trouble Ticket.
- Parking decals expire. To avoid a ticket, check the expiration date and be sure to update your decal when necessary.
Parking Fees
Undergraduate and Graduate
$100 per academic year
Full/Part-Time Undergraduate
$50 per academic year
$15 per session
Free of Charge
Employees and contractors must renew their parking decals every two years.
All employees, contractors, and students must register their vehicles via the online system which will also include the parking
fee structure and billing information.
Decal Instructions
- Remove your old parking decal from the driver's side rearview mirror entirely.
- Affix your new parking decal to the driver's side rearview mirror.
- Before you sell or dispose of your vehicle, remove the parking decal and report it to Campus Safety at 914.323.5244.
The Valiant Express is a bus service provided free of charge to current Manhattanville University students, faculty, and staff. A current Manhattanville University ID card is required and must be shown prior to boarding. The Valiant Express is on a first come first serve basis. Seating is limited.
CDC restrictions may be implemented at any time
The Valiant Express stops in front of Spellman Hall and the following locations in Harrison and White Plains
- Stop and Shop Supermarket (Westchester Ave & Bloomingdale Rd)
Near: Westchester Mall - White Plains TransCenter (Ferris Ave & New St)
Near: Metro North Train Station - The Galleria Mall (Main St & Court St)
Near: Target, ShopRite Supermarket, and CVS Pharmacy - The Westchester Mall underpass (Paulding St by Nordstrom)
Nearby store: Stop & Shop - Wegmans Supermarket (Corporate Park Dr, Harrison)
Return loop
Please view the Valiant Express Schedule Spring 2025
The alternative transportation listed below is provided to assist with traveling into White Plains, Manhattan, and JFK Airport.
Manhattanville does not endorse any company or method of transportation.
Westchester Bee-Line
Bus Route 12
Stops at the White Plains TransCenter
Ferris Ave & Water St., next to the Metro North train station
MTA MetroCards and coins accepted (No pennies or bills)
Metro-North Railroad
Harlem/Blue Line
White Plains to Grand Central Terminal/Manhattan
JFK Airport
Grand Central Madison LIRR to Jamaica AirTrain