Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health
Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health Overview
The Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health (PBPH) professional preparation program at Manhattanville University is designed for students interested in applying to medical graduate programs who want to first enhance their credentials or complete prerequisites.
Boost your resume with a Health Sciences certificate and complete the preparations you need to succeed in graduate and professional programs including (but not limited to):
- Medical Doctor (MD)
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
- Physician's Assistant (PA)
- Dentist (DDS or DMD)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Doctor of Optometry (OD)
- Doctor of Philosophy in the Biomedical Sciences (PhD)
Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions Career Prep
Manhattanville’s pre-health professions post-baccalaureate program is geared toward
students who either:
- Have earned a bachelor’s degree outside of the sciences and wish to complete prerequisite core science courses and apply to graduate health and medical programs
- Have earned a bachelor’s degree in the sciences and seek academic enhancement in repeating coursework or taking upper-level science courses prior to applying for medical school or other health professions programs
Enrolling in the part-time Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health program at Manhattanville helps enrich your academic credentials as well as offers opportunities for further resume and graduate application enhancements, including:
- A composite letter of recommendation for your graduate program application from Manhattanville’s Pre-Health Professions Advisory Committee (PHPAC)
- Discounted GRE and MCAT preparatory courses
The courses in Manhattanvillle’s Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health program are crafted to approach the expected content requirements of various professional health and medical graduate programs. Pre-med post-baccalaureate students at Manhattanville are recommended to enroll in the program for at least one year to make an impact on their skills and credentials.
Pre-Health core courses include:
- Principles of Biology I with Lab
- Principles of Biology II with Lab
- Principles of Chemistry I with Lab
- Principles of Chemistry II with Lab
- Organic Chemistry I with Lab
- Organic Chemistry II with Lab
- College Physics I with Lab
- College Physics II with Lab
- Calculus I
- Biochemistry I
- English Literature
- English Composition
Additional recommended coursework in the sciences includes:
- Anatomy and Physiology I and II with Labs
- Immunology
- Microbiology with Lab
- Molecular Biology Techniques with Lab
- Developmental Biology with Lab
- Genetics with Lab
Students in the Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health program may take up to 11.5 credits per semester, making it flexible, part-time training that students seeking pre-med coursework can approach at their own pace. Courses typically take place during the day.
Note: While Calculus I is not required by all professional schools, it is highly recommended for students’ preparation and is required to be eligible to receive the Committee’s composite letter of recommendation.
Review course requirements in our pre-health post-bacc program sheet.
Carry Over Previous Credit
Students in this pre-med post-bacc program at Manhattanville may transfer course credits
earned from previous institutions to the PBPH program. It is required, however, that PBPH students complete at least six courses at Manhattanville
University, in order to request eligibility for the Committee’s letter of recommendation.
Graduates of Manhattanville’s pre-health professions preparation programs have been accepted to medical, dental, physical therapy, and other professional programs in the United States and internationally. Our post-bacc format allows students to enhance previous bachelor’s education.
See where pre-health alumni are now.
Gain Letters of Recommendation
Many medical school or professional graduate programs require letters of recommendation,
including from your institution’s pre-health academic committee or board. Pre-med
and pre-health post-baccalaureate students at Manhattanville can apply for a letter
of recommendation from Manhattanville’s Pre-Health Professions Advisory Committee
(PHPAC) and meet with them to discuss their commitment and readiness for their chosen
medical or graduate program.
PBPH students must have taken at least six courses at Manhattanville and kept a 3.33 GPA in their coursework. Upon reviewing eligibility, the Committee may write letters on behalf of students for admission to medical, dental, physician assistant, or other programs.
Review current Committee members
Pre-Med Academic Advising
Students in Manhattanville’s Post Bacc Pre-Health program pathway receive one-on-one
guidance from a mentor throughout their course of study. Upon admission, you’ll talk
about your first semester’s course load, and you’ll meet again with your mentor each
semester to stay on track to graduate at your preferred pace.
In addition to one-on-one academic advising, students in the PBPH program benefit from opportunities to attend special workshops and can tap into the expertise of faculty on the Committee to practice their graduate program interviews and gain confidence in the application process.
Pre-Health and Pre-Med Internships
Students in Manhattanville’s pre-health program can explore external internship opportunities
in healthcare settings while taking courses.
Manhattanville’s Center for Career Development helps students identify unique health sciences internship opportunities relevant to their career goals. From public health initiatives to clinical or hospital settings, the Post Bacc Pre-Health program enables students to gain internship experience to enrich their resume.
Review the Center for Career Development’s guidance on internships.
MCAT and GRE Prep
Because of agreements with Kaplan and Princeton Review, students in the post-bacc program preparing for MD or PhD applications can benefit
from discounted rates for MCAT and GRE prep courses. Taking these discounted exam
prep courses helps our students excel on their entrance exams for health professions
Tri-Beta Honor Society
Becoming a part of Manhattanville’s rich campus community goes beyond joining other
students in the classroom. Pre-med and pre-health professions students can join the
Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society, a group that meets regularly. Tri-Beta also works closely with the Science Club to
make all activities open and inclusive to all STEM students at the college.
Be a part of activities hosted by the honor society such as community outreach events, fundraising events, guest speakers, and sponsored courses from visiting health and organizations.
Review a list of Manhattanville’s student clubs and organizations.
The Health Sciences Certificate program offers post-baccalaureate students an additional pathway to enhance their resumes while completing their pre-health and pre-graduate school coursework. Composed of five courses, this certificate program raises the rate of success for students planning to apply to health and medical graduate programs, but admission is not guaranteed after the reception of the certificate.
Students may select the Basic Health Sciences Certificate if they want to earn the credential by taking tailored undergraduate courses or select the Advanced Health Sciences Certificate if they want to take graduate-level courses for extra preparation. Pursuing a Certificate is not required to complete the PBPH program.
Prior to applying to medical school or graduate health programs, take advantage of this 15-20 credit Health Sciences certificate alongside your pre-health curriculum.
Health Sciences Certificate Courses
This 15-20 credit certificate program allows you to tailor your health sciences training
in areas that make sense for your career and that deepen your knowledge in upper-level
science topics.
Students pursuing the Health Sciences Certificate may choose any five courses to take from eligible courses, including seminars, graduate research courses, and independent study.
Review the Basic Health Sciences Certificate course list and course descriptions.
Health Sciences Certificate Admissions
Admissions requirements for the Health Sciences certificate program:
- Earned undergraduate (BA or BS) degree
- Minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (cumulative)
- Two letters of recommendation
- Personal statement
- Submission of certificate application ($75 application fee, waived if completed online)
- Submission of all official undergraduate transcripts
Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health Program Admission Requirements
Apply for admission to this part-time pre-medical and pre-health professions academic program.
Applications are now open for students interested in starting in spring, summer, or fall semesters, with the deadline being the Add/Drop date each semester. Find these dates in Manhattanville’s current academic calendar.
To apply, the requirements include:
- Completed bachelor’s degree
- Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5
- Two letters of recommendation
- Personal statement
- Submitted Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health application
- Submission of official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended
Note: At this time, international students are currently not eligible for admission to the Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health program.
Post-Bacc Financial Aid and Housing
Students applying to the Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health program at Manhattanville may
be eligible to apply for financial assistance from private loans. As the program is
part-time and students will be non-matriculated, federal loans are not available.
To help manage costs, students may elect to apply for external internships or on-campus graduate assistantships, where students can become paid lab assistants for various courses.
Review Manhattanville’s financial aid information and contact a counselor for assistance.
Graduate housing is also available. Contact the Pre-Health program administration for details and assistance.
Payment Plan
There is a monthly payment plan for Post Bacc Pre-Health students at Manhattanville,
accessible through Touchnet. Not a loan, this payment plan program allows students
to pay monthly installments toward tuition, housing, and other fees.
With a $50 per semester enrollment fee, the post-bacc payment plan is a low-cost, no-approval, no-interest way to manage costs. In the fall and spring semesters, four-, five-, and six-month plans are available.
Log in to Touchnet as a student or authorized user.
Apply for Admission to the Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health Program at Manhattanville
College graduates enroll in Manhattanville University’s Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health
program to complete prerequisite courses or enhance their pre-med and pre-health professions
credentials prior to applying for graduate programs in these areas.
Pursue advanced health sciences skills, a personalized letter of recommendation, and unique experiences that drive the next step in your medical career.
Review undergraduate admissions information and apply today, selecting Post Baccalaureate Pre-Health as your major.
Want more information? Request more information or reach out to program faculty.