Social Studies Education
Social Studies Education Program Overview
*This program is taught in a hybrid format
The Social Studies Education Department at Manhattanville University prepares undergraduate and graduate student candidates to teach the multiple disciplines subsumed under socials studies in grades 5-12: history, economics, political science, geography, sociology, and anthropology. We prepare students to vary their lessons to reach all students.
Candidates will more likely succeed in the classroom if they:
- Know their content
- Involve their students actively in lessons
- Show their students they care
- Assess often as they check for understanding
Candidates are challenged to construct knowledge as they study educational writers with a particular focus on making their theoretical ideas practical. Choice and creativity in the Social Studies methods course enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and enthusiasm for the content. Some techniques that are modeled include: songs, dialogues, visuals, documents, stations, floor maps, and debates. Students create Do Now activities, write interior monologues, engage in collaborations, write reflections, utilize SmartBoard and Blackboard technology, and use Backwards Design in lesson planning. Students address the requirements of Common Core, EdTPA and how they impact the social studies curriculum.
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