Nancy Todd

Dr. Todd is a professor of biology and chair of the environmental studies program. She is an expert on the evolution of proboscideans, has many consulting projects with various elephant researchers at the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History, and has traveled to countries in Africa and Europe studying fossil collections. Her undergraduate research program at Manhattanville focuses on aquatic toxicology, forensic ecology, animal behavior, and dental microwear analysis of elephants. She teaches environmental studies, anatomy, and evolution classes, in addition to a variety of other course topics. In collaboration with Dr. Wendy McFarlane, also in the biology department, Dr. Todd has turned her research attention to the island of Barbuda in the Caribbean, where they examine biodiversity, focus on human impact in island environments, and track the nesting behavior of endangered sea turtles. Dr. Todd is also the faculty advisor for the Upsilon Sigma Chapter of the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society and advises students working on the Campus Sustainability Committee.
Environmental Ecology
Evolutionary Biology
The Living World
Research Seminar
Senior Research
Geobiology, MA, George Washington University
Geobiology, PhD, George Washington University
“Origin, species diversity and variability in the Elephantidae.”
eds. Shoshani, J. and P. Tassy, The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants
and Their Relatives. Oxford University Press, pp. 193-202: 1996
Co-Author, Research Paper
“Rare elephant molar (Loxodonta africana zulu) from the Windhoek Spring Deposit, Namibia”
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, DOI: 10.1080/0035919X.2014.936329,
Co-Author, Research Paper
“Assessment of Cardiotoxicity and Effects of Malathion on the Early Development of
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Using Computer Vision for Heart Rate Quantification”
Zebrafish 11(3): 275-280, 2014
Co-Author, Article
“Elephant Phylogeny”
McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology: McGraw-Hill, 2014
Author, Article
“Lions, Mastodons, and Humans, Oh My! A New Hypothesis of Ecological and Biotic Change
at the End of the Pleistocene”
Journal of Mammalian Evolution Online, 2013
Author, Article