Military & Veteran Students
Manhattanville University is committed to helping active duty military servicemembers and veterans as you achieve personal, academic, and professional goals from the admissions process through degree completion and beyond. Our administrators welcome you to reach out to us directly regarding benefits, VA claims, job opportunities, or any matters that you have questions or concerns about.
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Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill
The Post 9/11 GI Bill® is a new education benefit program for individuals who served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. The benefits are payable for training pursued on or after August 1, 2009. No payments can be made under this program for training pursued before that date. You may receive up to 36 months of entitlement under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. Once you elect to receive benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, you will no longer be eligible to receive benefits under the program from which you elected before the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. A monthly housing allowance (MHA) based on the Basic Allowance for Housing for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school (for BAH rates, please visit https://www.va.gov/education/ ) is associated with this benefit. For those enrolled solely in distance learning, the housing allowance payable is equal to 1/2 the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents for the 2011 academic year (Active duty students and their spouses cannot receive the MHA). An annual books stipend of $1,000 is paid proportionately based on enrollment.
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation (Disabled Veterans)
A veteran may be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31) benefits if he or she:
- Received, or will receive, a discharge other than dishonorable conditions; Incurred or aggravated a service-connected disability which entitles him or her to VA disability compensation; and is in need of vocational rehabilitation because his or her disability creates an employment handicap.
- Vocational rehabilitation may be provided for up to 48 months. An eligible veteran generally has 15 years from the date he or she is notified of entitlement to VA compensation to use their Chapter 31 benefits. VA may approve an extension of time and/or length of training in certain cases.
- Entitlement for vocational rehabilitation on services is determined on an individual basis following an evaluation of the veteran’s interests, aptitudes, education, work experience, and vocational abilities. Each school is assigned a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist to assist Chapter 31 students and school officials responsible for certifying Chapter 31 students. Full tuition, fees, and books are paid to the school by the VA. In addition, the student gets a subsistence allowance depending on the training status.
Chapter 30 Montgomery GI BIll and Active Duty
The Montgomery GI Bill® (Active Duty), also known as Chapter 30, is a program of education benefits generally for individuals who enter active duty for the first time after June 30, 1985 and have contributed to the College fund. Active Duty for benefits purposes includes full-time National Guard duty after November 29, 1989. The participant generally must serve continuously on active duty for three-year or greater initial enlistment, or, for a lesser benefit, two years of an initial active duty obligation of less than three years. An individual also may qualify for the full benefits by initially serving two continuous years on active duty, followed by four years of Selected Reserve service. In the latter case, the participant must enter the Selected Reserve within one year of the release from active duty. The participant must meet the requirements for a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate before the first period of active duty ends. Completing 12 credit hours toward a college degree meets this requirement. Individuals, who initially serve a continuous period of at least three years of active duty, even though they were initially obligated to serve less, will be paid at the higher basic rate. Snead State Community college does not participate in advance pay.
Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserves
This program provides benefits for members of the Selected Reserve and National Guard who enlisted, re-enlisted, or extended their enlistment for a period of six years after July1, 1985. To find out more about eligibility requirements, please contact Veterans Affairs Regional Office (VARO) at 1-888-442-4551.
Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program
REAP was established as a part of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005. It is a Department of Defense educational benefit program designed to provide educational assistance to members of the Reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency (contingency operation) as declared by the President or congress. This program makes certain reservists who were activated for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001, either eligible for education benefits or eligible for increased benefits.
We encourage all active duty military, veterans, and dependents to apply for Education Benefits (Certificate of Eligibility) as soon as you begin the admission process. All documents can be mailed or emailed to the following address:
Manhattanville University
ATTN: Financial Aid Office
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577
Certificate of Eligibility
Once you have submitted your application for Education Benefits, you should expect
to receive your certificate of eligibility within four to six weeks. You do not need
to receive the certificate of eligibility in order to begin the application to the
University. However, once it is received, please submit it to the Admissions Office
as soon as possible.
DD-214/Separation Documentation
If you are currently on active-duty, but think you will be eligible for early leave,
this document is not required to start classes. However, please note that if classes
begin prior to the start date of official leave, your initial BAH checks will be delayed
until the DD-214 can be submitted.
Transfer Students:
VA Form 22-1995
This form should only be submitted by military & veteran applicants that will be transferring
benefits from another two or four-year institution.
Dependent Students
VA Form 22- 5495
This form should only be submitted by dependents of military & veteran applicants
that will be transferring benefits from another two or four-year institution.
All undergraduate and graduate military, veteran, and dependents with 100% coverage under the Post 9/11 GI Bill will automatically be eligible to receive the Yellow Ribbon Award. This award will ensure that there is no cost for tuition and fees while completing your studies. Each semester, students will verify their enrollment with the Military & Veteran Services representative to confirm their documents are updated with the department of veteran affairs.
Financial aid is available for anyone using the Montgomery GI Bill, for those students with less than 100% coverage from the Post 9/11 GI Bill, and for anyone that may run out of military benefits while working toward undergraduate degree completion.
Learn More about Financial Aid Opportunities
No matter what chapter of benefits is being used to assist with financing your education, all military, veteran, and dependent students should submit the FAFSA on an annual basis.
In addition to the application requirements for the undergraduate admission, active duty military and veteran applicants are required to submit either the Joint Services Transcript (JST) or Air University Transcript.
Undergraduate applicants with a Joint Services Transcript or Air University transcript, should apply as a transfer applicant.
Students pursuing graduate admission are not required to submit the JST or Air University transcript.
Joint Services Transcript (JST)
Required for veterans and active duty military that have served in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy or Coast Guard.
A majority of the coursework from your Joint Services Transcript will not be transferable, but we do require that you submit the documents.
Air University Transcript
Required for active duty military and veterans that have served in the US Air Force. If you attended The Air University/Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), you can request your official transcript from the Air University website.
Valerie Daley
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Veterans School Certifying Official